miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018

Media - preferences

Try these listening exercises

How to write a letter to the editor

Remember that if you are writing an actual letter, you have to include the addresses and the date. If you write an email, include the "sender", "receiver" and "subject".

2nd Intermediate - The Media

Watch this news report about the future of newspapers and choose the correct answer.

1. Reader’s Digest has
a. declared bankruptcy for the first time in years
b. been losing money for years
c. been trying to survive in the digital era

2. Reader’s Digest has an audience of
a. 40 million
b. 70 million
c. 17 million

3. Digital newspapers
a. made Internet popular 15 years ago
b. reduce paper waste
c. are read with the morning coffee now

4. In 5 years
a. advertising sales will reach the level of 1980s
b. most newspapers will have disappeared
c. newspapers will reduce their benefits in 50%

5. The orange country newspaper
a. have more subscriptions than 10 years ago
b. have a new management
c. have professionals from closed newspapers

Answers written in white. Select this line to see them 1b, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5b 

Learn about the media in the UK

A brief history of the BBC

lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

Useful information about the exams

  • IDENTIFICACIÓN PERSOAL: Información sobre o traballo. Linguas estranxeiras. Relixión.
  • VIVENDA, FOGAR E CONTORNA: Tipos de vivenda. Descrición da vivenda. Localización da casa (periferia, barrio, medio rural, etc.).
  • TRABALLO E PROFESIÓN: Actividade profesional. Organización do traballo (lugar, cargo, horario, etc.). Condicións de traballo.
    TEMPO LIBRE E ACTUALIDADE: Descrición das actividades de lecer e culturais (localidades e instrumentos usados para actividades deportivas, xéneros cinematográficos, etc.). Acontecementos do momento.
  • VIAXES E TRANSPORTES: Entrada e saída dun país. Comunicación con empregados de locais para aloxamento. Planificación das vacacións. Viaxes ligadas ao turismo (axencias de viaxes, monumentos, etc.).
  • RELACIÓNS HUMANAS E SOCIAIS: Tipos e formas de relación social (levarse ben, levarse mal, conflitos, etc.). Formas de tratamento. Asociacións.
  • SAÚDE E COIDADOS FÍSICOS: Posición do corpo e movementos. Sensacións e percepcións físicas. Especialidades médicas. Servizos de saúde. Accidentes e lesións. Síntomas de enfermidades. Adiccións e drogas.
  • EDUCACIÓN: Actividades escolares. Nomes de materias. Títulos e diplomas. Servizos de educación (matrícula, inscrición, bolsas, etc.). Exames.
  • COMPRAS E ACTIVIDADES COMERCIAIS: Relacións co persoal comercial. Compra de alimentos.
  • ALIMENTACIÓN: Convites e brindes. Comer fóra. Características das comidas e das bebidas. Relacións co persoal de hostalaría. Preparación de comidas e de bebidas. Produtos alimentarios.
  • BENS E SERVIZOS: Policía. Automóbil (reparación, asistencia na estrada, etc.). Gasolineira e alugueiro de coches.
  • CLIMA, CONDICIÓNS ATMOSFÉRICAS E AMBIENTE: Cualificativos para o ambiente. Partes da cidade. Flora e fauna. Problemas ambientais.
  • CIENCIA E TECNOLOXÍA: Instrucións de aparellos de uso cotián. Tecnoloxías da información e da comunicación.
Guia das persoas candidatas 2017-18

Modelos Probas EOI

Here you have exams from other parts of Spain



jueves, 12 de abril de 2018


T/F listening activity
Listen a minute activities

Listen to Michelle Obama and do some activities

Listen to Barack Obama and do some activities

Fill-in-the-gap exercise
America Elects Donald Trump for President | EnglishClub

viernes, 6 de abril de 2018

Keeping in contact


Check the ANSWERS here

2nd Intermediate - Facebook

Watch this video about the origins of Facebook and choose the correct answer:

1. Mark Zuckerberg
  a. didn’t finish his degree
  b. wasn’t yet 21
  c. stars a new film
2. 7 mill … use facebook
  a. students
  b. colleges
  c. people
3. Mark invented facebook in his
  a. bedroom
  b. dorm room
  c. garage
4. On average, students
  a. create 18 profiles
  b. are 18 years old
  c. are connected 18 min a day
5. Facebook makes money from
  a. investors of big companies
  b. advertisement
  c. subscriptions
6. Mark Zuckerberg
  a. likes sports
  b. lives in Palo alto
  c. doesn’t wear suits
7. Millions of Americans want
  a. to meet people
  b. people to know about them
  c. contact people

Answers: 1a, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5b, 6c, 7b

2nd Intermediate - Internet addiction

Watch the video and say if these sentences are T/F

  1. Internet addiction affects specially single men and teens
  2. Internet addiction is comparable to drug addiction
  3. A couple forgot to change their baby
  4. Internet dependence is considered a mental illness
  5. In 4 or 5 years we will know more about this addiction
  6. A family lived without digital gadgets for half a year
  7. A computer addiction treatment clinic was created
  8. Children should avoid playing videogames

Answers written in  white: 1T, 2T, 3F, 4F, 5T, 6T, 7F, 8F

jueves, 5 de abril de 2018

Speaking about jobs and work

2nd Intermediate - Poverty and employment

Watch the video and choose the correct option:

Do you need the script?

1. Leila Janah is founder of
a. am NGO
b. a charity organization
c. a company

2. She spent
a. 10 years living in a poor countries
b. 17 years in Ghana
c. some years visiting poor countries

3. Samasource
a. is based on the use of internet
b. was first established in India
c. started working for a firm

4. Samasource
a. is based in San Francisco
b. has branches in San Francisco
c. has no fixed headquarters

5. Samasource collaborates with 16
a. countries
b. companies
c. centres

6. Samasouce began in
a. 2005
b. 2008
c. 2009

7. Samasource helps
a. 1,500 people
b. 1,000,000 people
b. 50,000 women

Answers (select this line to see them): 1a, 2c, 3a, 4a, 5c, 6b, 7a

Advantages and disadvantages of being self-employed

Work - Get That Job

Lots of activities about how to get a job: tips, vocabulary and writing exercises

2nd Intermediate - Job interview questions

Listen (don't watch) and write down the 4 questions that are usually asked in an interview. Listen again and take notes about how you should answer each of them. Then watch and check your answers.

2nd Intermediate - Work as a volunteer in the Olympic Games

Tired of your routine? Improve your English in London.

Listen and fill in the gaps.

  1. Ladies and gentlemen of the world and other worlds whomay be listening
  2. We need volunteers from the UK and from around the world
  3. If you lack common sense, just relax and watch it on telly
  4. There will be 3 days of training and then 10 days of working
  5. You could have to work with a big megaphone shouting to people in a nice way
  6. It is not glamourous work
  7. You will not get paid, you'll be given food and water
  8. You will be part of the greatest show on earth
Does it sound interesting? A pity the application date was years ago.

Answers: Select the sentences to see them

2nd intermediate - The best job in the world

Watch the video and say whether the following statements are true or false
  1. The campaign started with local advertising
  2. They are looking for an island babysitter
  3. They offer a 6 month contract
  4. The pay is 75,000 dollars
  5. The chosen person would have to explore the island
  6. This job was created in order to promote tourism
  7. The job also involves visiting holiday resorts
  8. There is a minimum age requirement
  9. The only problem will be getting rid of tourists
  10. To apply you have to send a 60 seconds video
  11. The area is considered the 7th world wonder
  12. You can send in applications until February 2011
Answers: 1F, 2F, 3T, 4F, 5F, 6T, 7T, 8F, 9F, 10T, 11F, 12F

Meet the winner

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2018

Black Friday

2nd Intermediate - Consumer society

Watch the video and fill in the gaps

  1. Human beings want to be consumers with no limits
  2. We want TV sets as big as swimming pools
  3. This ambition is not supportable with the planet we’ve got
  4. This philosophy does not work
  5. The more you consume the more disatisfied you will be
  6. If your wellbeing means consuming, you’ll be disappointed
  7. Our society has confused us about how to find meaning, satisfaction, wellbeing and happiness.
Select the sentences above to see the answers.

Shopping in New York

Money, money

Watch the video and leave a comment. This is our future.

Teenagers and money.

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2018

Collaborate with our Food Bank at the EOI of Lugo

2nd Intermediate - Environment: Volunteering

Watch a video about volunteering and choose the correct answer (up to minute 2.17).

1. The Green Team is based in the
  a. English capital
  b. Scottish capital
  c. Irish capital
2. It started in
  a. 1994
  b. 1995
  c. 1996
3. The organization works
  a. in the summer
  b. in the winter
  c. only some months
4. The projects are managed by
  a. stuff members
  b. young adults
  c. volunteers
5. They help
  a. conserve public places
  b. troubled young adults
  c. recover natural spaces
6. The team leader takes care of
  a. oganising specific tasks
  b. the participants’ wellbeing
  c. choosing the volunteers

Answers: 1b 2b 3c 4c 5a 6b

How to reduce your carbon footprint

What's "Carbon footprint"?

Now watch the video and note down the 10 steps to reduce yours.

Step 1. Turn the thermostat up in the summer and down in the winter. Close doors and insulate windows
Step 2. Turn off and unplug electronics
Step 3. Change to compact fluorescent bulbs
Step 4. Do your laundry or run a dishwasher only with a full load
Step 5. Eat local and take a canvas tote
Step 6. Bring your own cup or mug when you buy coffee
Step 7. Cut back on bottled water, making and transporting them pollutes a lot
Step 8. Plant a tree, it produces green house gases
Step 9. Use your car less
Step 10. Car pool, use public transport, walk or bike

Answers: They are written in white. Select the text above to see them.

Now do some READING COMPREHENSION about the environment. You will find texts and questions (with the answers).

Environment and pollution

On this page you'll find reading comprehension exercises, lists of vocabulary, quizzes and conversation questions.

    Intermediate - Carbon Footprint

    Watch the video and answer the following questions:

    1. What's the ecological footprint? It's a mesurement of everything we consume and use It's the total impact on planet Earth.
    2. Who/What is responsible for most of the footprint? United Arab Emirates households
    3. What would happen if everyone in the planet consumed as much as we do? We would need 4.5 planets
    4. What natural disasters may be caused by our misuse of energy? Rise of sea levels, storms, heat waves and droughts
    5. What can we do to minimize our impact on the planet? Consume fewer imported products (choose sustainable ones), use public transport, reduce your waste
    Select the text after the questions to see the answers.

    2nd Intermediate - How wolves changed a river

    A trophic cascade is an ecological phenomenon which starts at the top of the food chain and spreads to the bottom.

    Watch the following video about how some wolves changed a river and answer the comprehension questions.

    1. When were wolves reintroduced? In 1995
    2. How long have the wolves been absent? For 70 years
    3. How did the deer react when the wolves were reintroduced? They changed their behaviour avoiding some places which began to regenerate
    4. What happened to some trees? Their height tripled
    5. Which animals appeared when more trees had grown? The birds started moving in
    6. Name three types of animals that live in the dams built by beavers: ducks, fish, reptiles, amphibians
    7. Why did the number of rabbits and mice rise? Because the wolves killed coyotes
    8. Name one of the reasons why the population of bears rose: there were more berries
    9. Why did rivers have more fixed courses? Because of the regeneration of the forests

    Answers written in white; select the text above to see them.

    Zoos - Are they good or bad?

    2nd Intermediate - Slow down

    Watch this video about a town in Turkey and choose the correct option for the questions below:

    1. Seferihisar
    a. is bigger than its neighbor
    b. has 30000 inhabitants
    c. is a slow city

    2. The mayor says people want
    a. to develop the economy
    b. to move to his town
    c. to escape from pollution and traffic jams

    3. The town has to
    a. reduce its carbon emissions
    b. open new hotels
    c. buy organic food

    4. The project aims at
    a. attracting tourists
    b. attracting big businesses
    c. protecting the environment

    5. The hotel
    a. is run by the members of one family
    b. has 20 rooms
    c. employs 12 people

    6. The owner of the hotel says they
    a. will have to make more rooms
    b. want to have more tourists
    c. don’t want their town to become like other towns

    7. Solar panels
    a. are on demand
    b. are not a good choice
    c. are used in every building for heating and electricity

    8. The mayor
    a. is trying to convince local people
    b. will create a shopping street
    c. has 2 years to make all the changes

    Answers: 1b, 2c, 3a, 4c, 5a, 6c, 7a, 8a
    Would you like to live in a place like this?

    Intermediate - Recycling process


    Slow movement

    Check the transcript for this second video here

    miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2018

    Sentences to translate

    1. Me lo pasé muy bien (use "enjoy" or "have")
    2. Todos las mañanas/Cada mañana me tomo un café
    3. Por una parte, la technología ha mejorado nuestra vida. Por otra, consume demasiado de nuestro tiempo.
    4. Me gustaría saber más.
    5. Puedes usarlo en todas partes.
    6. Puedes llevarlo a todas partes.
    7. Otras personas piensan que es muy útil.
    8. Otro problema es que consume energía.
    9. Me gustaría ayudar a gente necesitada.
    10. Le preguntaré a mis amigos.
    11. Debería llamar a mis padres.
    12. Puedo contactar con mi familia a través de internet.
    13. No tuvimos tiempo.
    14. Todo el mundo usa whatsapp.
    15. Este ha sido el mejor vije que he hecho.
    16. Viajamos en avión.
    17. Me interesa aprender inglés.
    18. Tu idea me parece muy interesante.
    1. I enjoyed myself a lot. I had a great time.
    2. Every morning I have a coffee.
    3. On the one hand, technology has improved our lives. On the other hand, it consumes too much of our time.
    4. I would like to know more.
    5. You can use it everywhere.
    6. You can take it everywhere.
    7. Other people think that it's very useful.
    8. Another problem is that it consumes energy.
    9. I'd like to help people in need.
    10. I will ask my friends.
    11. I should call my parents.
    12. I can contact my family through the Internet 
    13. We didn't have time. (We hadn't time -> IS WRONG!)
    14. Everybody uses whatsapp
    15. This is the best trip I've ever made
    16. We travelled by plane
    17. I'm interested in learning English
    18. Your idea sounds very interesting to me

    miércoles, 10 de enero de 2018

    Speaking topics Module 7

    These are some of the tasks we've done in class.

    How to improve your English
    Choose an activity to keep healthy
    Choose an activity for old people
    Organise a family celebration
    Organise a protest against the closing of your health centre
    Organise a film festival
    Choose a charity to volunteer

    Speaking topics
    Compare coast and mountains
    Ideal place for a holiday
    Future advances
    How to keep healty
    Healthy diet
    Families in the past, present and future
    Watch films at home or at the cinema
    Drinking in the street should be a crime
    Transport, school, work, relationships, health in the future
    Compare technological gadgets
    Tell a story

    Cities and homes of the future

    Watch a video about homes in the future and do the exercises
    Listen to this BBC podcast about cities in the future

    Intermediate - Technology

    Watch the video to learn about some Technology facts.

    Are we addicted to technology?

    Addiction Vs. Social Evolution from Allan Yong on Vimeo.

    Finally, is technology good or bad? Watch and say if the statements below are true or false.

    1. Writing on paper was a technological advancement
    2. We used to find our music away from home
    3. She thinks that technology will dominate our future
    4. She mentions 2 examples of possible future advancements
    5. Technology dependence could affect our knowledge
    6. She thinks using technology at work is positive
    7. Each of us has to decide if we live to use technology or just use it
    8. The modern idea of technology is to accept all the ideas
    Is technology good or bad for you?
    Answers: 1T, 2T, 3F, 4F, 5T, 6T, 7T, 8T


    How has the computer changed our lives?

    How has it changed yours?