lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

Useful information about the exams

  • IDENTIFICACIÓN PERSOAL: Información sobre o traballo. Linguas estranxeiras. Relixión.
  • VIVENDA, FOGAR E CONTORNA: Tipos de vivenda. Descrición da vivenda. Localización da casa (periferia, barrio, medio rural, etc.).
  • TRABALLO E PROFESIÓN: Actividade profesional. Organización do traballo (lugar, cargo, horario, etc.). Condicións de traballo.
    TEMPO LIBRE E ACTUALIDADE: Descrición das actividades de lecer e culturais (localidades e instrumentos usados para actividades deportivas, xéneros cinematográficos, etc.). Acontecementos do momento.
  • VIAXES E TRANSPORTES: Entrada e saída dun país. Comunicación con empregados de locais para aloxamento. Planificación das vacacións. Viaxes ligadas ao turismo (axencias de viaxes, monumentos, etc.).
  • RELACIÓNS HUMANAS E SOCIAIS: Tipos e formas de relación social (levarse ben, levarse mal, conflitos, etc.). Formas de tratamento. Asociacións.
  • SAÚDE E COIDADOS FÍSICOS: Posición do corpo e movementos. Sensacións e percepcións físicas. Especialidades médicas. Servizos de saúde. Accidentes e lesións. Síntomas de enfermidades. Adiccións e drogas.
  • EDUCACIÓN: Actividades escolares. Nomes de materias. Títulos e diplomas. Servizos de educación (matrícula, inscrición, bolsas, etc.). Exames.
  • COMPRAS E ACTIVIDADES COMERCIAIS: Relacións co persoal comercial. Compra de alimentos.
  • ALIMENTACIÓN: Convites e brindes. Comer fóra. Características das comidas e das bebidas. Relacións co persoal de hostalaría. Preparación de comidas e de bebidas. Produtos alimentarios.
  • BENS E SERVIZOS: Policía. Automóbil (reparación, asistencia na estrada, etc.). Gasolineira e alugueiro de coches.
  • CLIMA, CONDICIÓNS ATMOSFÉRICAS E AMBIENTE: Cualificativos para o ambiente. Partes da cidade. Flora e fauna. Problemas ambientais.
  • CIENCIA E TECNOLOXÍA: Instrucións de aparellos de uso cotián. Tecnoloxías da información e da comunicación.
Guia das persoas candidatas 2017-18

Modelos Probas EOI

Here you have exams from other parts of Spain


jueves, 12 de abril de 2018


T/F listening activity
Listen a minute activities

Listen to Michelle Obama and do some activities

Listen to Barack Obama and do some activities

Fill-in-the-gap exercise
America Elects Donald Trump for President | EnglishClub

viernes, 6 de abril de 2018

Keeping in contact


Check the ANSWERS here

2nd Intermediate - Facebook

Watch this video about the origins of Facebook and choose the correct answer:

1. Mark Zuckerberg
  a. didn’t finish his degree
  b. wasn’t yet 21
  c. stars a new film
2. 7 mill … use facebook
  a. students
  b. colleges
  c. people
3. Mark invented facebook in his
  a. bedroom
  b. dorm room
  c. garage
4. On average, students
  a. create 18 profiles
  b. are 18 years old
  c. are connected 18 min a day
5. Facebook makes money from
  a. investors of big companies
  b. advertisement
  c. subscriptions
6. Mark Zuckerberg
  a. likes sports
  b. lives in Palo alto
  c. doesn’t wear suits
7. Millions of Americans want
  a. to meet people
  b. people to know about them
  c. contact people

Answers: 1a, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5b, 6c, 7b

2nd Intermediate - Internet addiction

Watch the video and say if these sentences are T/F

  1. Internet addiction affects specially single men and teens
  2. Internet addiction is comparable to drug addiction
  3. A couple forgot to change their baby
  4. Internet dependence is considered a mental illness
  5. In 4 or 5 years we will know more about this addiction
  6. A family lived without digital gadgets for half a year
  7. A computer addiction treatment clinic was created
  8. Children should avoid playing videogames

Answers written in  white: 1T, 2T, 3F, 4F, 5T, 6T, 7F, 8F

jueves, 5 de abril de 2018

Speaking about jobs and work

2nd Intermediate - Poverty and employment

Watch the video and choose the correct option:

Do you need the script?

1. Leila Janah is founder of
a. am NGO
b. a charity organization
c. a company

2. She spent
a. 10 years living in a poor countries
b. 17 years in Ghana
c. some years visiting poor countries

3. Samasource
a. is based on the use of internet
b. was first established in India
c. started working for a firm

4. Samasource
a. is based in San Francisco
b. has branches in San Francisco
c. has no fixed headquarters

5. Samasource collaborates with 16
a. countries
b. companies
c. centres

6. Samasouce began in
a. 2005
b. 2008
c. 2009

7. Samasource helps
a. 1,500 people
b. 1,000,000 people
b. 50,000 women

Answers (select this line to see them): 1a, 2c, 3a, 4a, 5c, 6b, 7a

Advantages and disadvantages of being self-employed

Work - Get That Job

Lots of activities about how to get a job: tips, vocabulary and writing exercises

2nd Intermediate - Job interview questions

Listen (don't watch) and write down the 4 questions that are usually asked in an interview. Listen again and take notes about how you should answer each of them. Then watch and check your answers.

2nd Intermediate - Work as a volunteer in the Olympic Games

Tired of your routine? Improve your English in London.

Listen and fill in the gaps.

  1. Ladies and gentlemen of the world and other worlds whomay be listening
  2. We need volunteers from the UK and from around the world
  3. If you lack common sense, just relax and watch it on telly
  4. There will be 3 days of training and then 10 days of working
  5. You could have to work with a big megaphone shouting to people in a nice way
  6. It is not glamourous work
  7. You will not get paid, you'll be given food and water
  8. You will be part of the greatest show on earth
Does it sound interesting? A pity the application date was years ago.

Answers: Select the sentences to see them

2nd intermediate - The best job in the world

Watch the video and say whether the following statements are true or false
  1. The campaign started with local advertising
  2. They are looking for an island babysitter
  3. They offer a 6 month contract
  4. The pay is 75,000 dollars
  5. The chosen person would have to explore the island
  6. This job was created in order to promote tourism
  7. The job also involves visiting holiday resorts
  8. There is a minimum age requirement
  9. The only problem will be getting rid of tourists
  10. To apply you have to send a 60 seconds video
  11. The area is considered the 7th world wonder
  12. You can send in applications until February 2011
Answers: 1F, 2F, 3T, 4F, 5F, 6T, 7T, 8F, 9F, 10T, 11F, 12F

Meet the winner