viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

Intermediate - Sports

Watch this video about a promising sportsman and choose the correct answer for the following questions.

1 … in the World Rowing Championship which was held in Yugoslavia.
a) Germany didn’t participate
b) Iraq didn’t participate
c) Slovenia didn’t participate
2 Rashid is
a) single
b) a university student
c) a professional sportsman
3 Rashid thinks
a) he has to work more to qualify
b) it’s impossible to qualify
c) it’s possible to qualify
4 He needs
a) more determination
b) to improve his tactics
c) a new coach
5 The coach wants
a) Rashid to get to the final
b) Rashid to be in London 2012
c) Rashid to accept the challenge
6 Other sportspeople in Iraq
a) have been able to train abroad
b) have won international competitions
c) have reached a professional level
7 Rashid
a) finishes at the top of the list
b) gets his Olympic qualification
c) will have another opportunity in 6 months

Answers written in white. Select the text to see them: 1b, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5b, 6a, 7c

Some sports vocabulary

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